Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Carole passed over on November 1, 2007. 
I will put up her Euology when i can figure out how to attach it or copy it.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007



War is the result of centuries of wrong decisions, atrocities, anger, stone throwing and other uninformed actions leading to violence. War doesn’t work because war is not the issue that is being fought. Once you go back in history you will find the first “power over” aggressive action is the cause of present aggression. This present war in the Middle East is not really about oil or a gasoline crisis in America. It is about ancient cities of Jerusalem and Nicosia where there were grumblings of rebellion against the Romans and the church.

Until there is peace underlying the relationships between the Jews, the Palestinians, the Arabs and Moslems of many countries there can never be peace in the Middle East. If Jesus was alive today he would hang his head in shame for all the wars he has been the center of. Until we listen to his bountiful, courageous and loving messages and take them seriously there will be no peace in the world today or in the future.

The question is how does one lives as if they were Jesus in a world that is built on male aggression? Everything is about winning, and winning takes a lot of aggression. Making money takes a lot of aggression. Being powerful takes a lot of aggression. Isn’t there something else we could do with our aggression?

Today movies and television are the major source of social sciences. For the average child their socialization frenquently starts early as they watch TV at 9 months old. Remember the brain has 3 hundred trillion neurons, all out there listening and learning, even when a child is asleep. Is it any wonder that the children of today are having their own personal rebellions?

I was a perfect example of a rebellious young man, having been more or less orphaned at a young age. There are always two ways to look at your circumstances. It’s really neat to have a loving mother and father, but it’s also neat to start making your mistakes early by being “out there” by yourself as early as ten.

In the good old days, the boys who were ten went to war, and brought home the head of the enemy he had slain, to his mother to prove his prowess as a young man. With that in mind study your geometry and calculus and continue to go to school and consider that modern times has some advantages if you should choose them.

The last thing you should do is go to war with your parents. Leaning to understand adults is the secret to success on this planet. Later on I am going to tell you how, or the secrets about how to get along with a roaring family and how to be a catalyst for peaceful endeavor.

There are always savages along the path to enlightenment.

Ho Ho Ho,


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

On War

Dear Friends,

I promise to talk about many interesting things, but this is suppose to be a joyful occasion (my book is printed and out to stores) so I will congratulate my friends who pains takingley write down every little word that I say. You can still buy a book on the website Jamesdeanfromspirit.com.

On War

There is nothing joyful about war, however understanding war does bring some sort of peace and even a bit of contentment because you don’t need to think about it or wonder about it any more.

This war that is going on right now is all about oil and energy consumption. Oil equals power and that brings up my theory about war being a sexual attitude. It is my guess that the boys behind this war have rotten relationships with there wives and have turned their masculine sexuality into a furious assault on a supposedly easy victim. The worm has turned however. The victim has risen like hornets coming out there holes in the ground, seemingly endless in number and very accurate in demolition.

It’s time to have a new kind of presidency in Washington. There should be a test for candidates just like a driving test for drivers. Just because a person can wave his fist in the air and should loudly isn’t enough intelligent action to run the world. In ancient times it was enough to be strong and tall and maybe handsome or maybe not handsome. Now one needs to be shorter, fatter and more complacent. The Buddha would make a better president than the one we have now. He would engage others in joyful ways, in polo games or cricket or chess and learn to laugh when one looses because the lesson is greater than if you win.

Think of the power that has emerged as a result of being the so called losers in this war. Soon there will be a large number of Mohammedans gathering together and making a formidable force in the world. They are still wild and unruly and while there were many small groups with Arab leaders in the past, this war will unite them and they will make history because of there joyful attitude dying young. They will sweep across the deserts and destroy many peaceful nations and all because no one asked the folks in Washington about their relationships with their wives.

More next week.


On marriage

Traditional marriage, gay marriage, group marriage and single friends living together

Marriage is a holy cross that either brings extraordinary happiness or extraordinary misery. Life on earth, being a free choice by election to come here, should be a joyful adventure. Who invented marriage? It was originally about power of uniting royal families and inheriting property or maintaining certain blood lines. In a democracy none of that seems very important as compared to having a free spirit. It’s my opinion that marriage should be dropped entirely and that something like a declaration of devotion should be substituted when a person is locked into an impossible circumstance, it may bring out the saint in them or the beast or violent spirit in them.

If you got rid of “until death do us part” you would get rid of the option to kill in order to create separation. A declaration of devotion would give you some slack in terms of the way you agree to solve problems or invest in creative endeavors, such as having children.

It would be easy for a group of five people for instance to agree on being parents for two children. You could almost afford it under those circumstances. Many children like me lose a parent or two...a devastating experience to say the least. You are sure that God has deserted you and mankind sees you, for the most part, as a potential burden of some kind. Half the world is facing one parent or no parent circumstances.

It takes five adults to run a farm. Hey there folks I hear you always talking about wanting chickens in the back yard…well now's the time to change the rules and get back to homogenizing your lifestyles instead of separating the cream from the milk. Cows are really sweet and pigs don’t really smell at all and fresh eggs really taste good.

Love is the answer!

Try it! I’m sure you’ll like it…I did.

PS: I will be talking about a way to understand and participate in family life… whether it’s all girls, all men, all mixed or all just happy come and go lucky.

Some of my friends up here will be joining you in spirit down there. If there’s one thing you learn up here it is how to be understanding. We are all in full realization up here and extend our spiritual energies far out into the universe, which of course includes our home on the earth.

Happy Landing


Here is a marriage proposal from my friend Paracelsus

Paracelsian Marriage or Partnership Vows
A Lovely Lady

Pregnant or not yet pregnant

Wife of mine of many days and nights of grand alliances and passionate pursuits-

Be it known that I am all that you could desire in your soon to become wedded life!

Never for a moment from the time I lay my head upon your breast has your fragrances, your eyes so bright, the turn of your check left my memory, nor will it, be it forever in my heart.

I wish to be a man that in every way you could live for and if necessary, a man you could die with.

For whoever really knows how long such great gifts can be enjoyed.

Therefore, I pledge that I shall father all your children and care for you and they in every way possible. And should some turn of fate, war or an unexpected onslaught of worthless men, conquer our land, I shall still father your children, even if their eyes are not mine, their color some hue I have never seen, their hair golden when mine is brown. No man shall ever outshine me in your eyes.

Devotion is my only purpose and I Shall honor our love and our dreams and intentions until I die.

If I should fail at this, I should cheat myself of all the beauty I see before me.



Sunday, August 07, 2005

Here is Jimmy's favorite photo of Carole :

Friday, August 05, 2005

Message from Jimmy on May 29th 2005

Hello everyone on the earth plane,

This is Jimmy from Spirit. I wish to send my love and blessings to all those who love me and have been a part of my life. I will continue to write to you through these wonderful ladies and all this high tech communication equipment you all have today. In this way no one will be left out, no one will be without guidance from beloved guardians from spirit. Many mysteries exist is your beloved countries, that if you solve them yourself, you will find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You want to know that the pot of gold that you find is your own great capacity for love and creation. This is what you have come into your three dimensional world to discover.

The “Shining Ones” of the past have each left you a path of continuous understanding that leads you like a treasure hunt to your Boniface not your fate. You all have everything that everyone else in the world has, nothing can be therefore left out of your life should you choose to pursue it with both joy and diligence. The secret of success at any time in your life is to honor the great minds that created you and that gave you the opportunity to raise above all else that boggles your mind and become one of “them” yourself. Every human has the capacity for evolution 10 times 10 in this one lifetime.

I will tell you about my grail adventure weekly on this wonderful web site and refer you to other stories that may open your path better than my own story. In this way there will be something wonderful for all my other friends and new friends to come.

Blessings from the other side of the veil
James Byron Dean Esq.
(Isn’t this going to be a lot of fun?)…Jimmy

Thursday, August 04, 2005

About this Blog

This blog is dedicated to bringing Jimmy’s true story from his personal point of view.

In 1992 as a result of a call from a Hollywood Jimmy Dean movie project, Carole Austen was asked if she could channel a Eulogy message from Jimmy for the end of the film.

Carole was able to contact Jimmy’s spirit and ask him if he would be willing to give a message to the world for this movie. She reported that Jimmy was overjoyed at the opportunity to reassure those people who had loved him that he was well and happy. As a result Carole Austen and her friends spent many joyous hours taping communications with Jimmy. Twelve tapes still remain untouched.

The work on the script became so fascinating that the movie producer went to Fairmont to visit the Winslow’s at the farm and to explore and verify to himself all of the wonderful stories and information Jimmy gave about his personal life and his beloved friends and family.

The book James Dean From Spirit is result of four or five years of continual contact with Jimmy about many other matters as well as the proposed script edited by him. This script which shows Jimmy in his true light and creativity was offered to major studios at the time. Obviously it was refused and several other Dean projects were produced and aired on TV and, in our opinion, with mediocre results.

Several pages of each of the books will appear on this site for your enjoyment. A number of Jimmy’s own scenes from his script will be included as well. The script will be for sale. It is our hope that the fan clubs will take upon themselves to make this movie. It represents Jimmy in all his adventuresome, generous of heart and visionary capacities.

Here is a message Jimmy “wrote” five years ago.

"It is not always good to solve all the mysteries of the world or how else can one awaken the simple minded, lazy or chagrined. My first contact with Carole was to create a personal eulogy and message from Spirit for the end of a Hollywood script about my life as an actor, student and early adolesent. I give my message here that fame and fortune in your early years is a detriment to your spiritual growth and essentially to your visions and dreams of the future. To have it all and do it all at 24 leaves you little to strive for or to pursue or meet with challenging desire. Therefore be happy with the struggles you may have with life, love, happiness and professional talent. It takes a hundred years to really understand yourself and the world around you enough to surrender your heart to true love. Don't miss a minute of it. Drive with discernment. Stay conscious. Be a great grandfather and a loving husband.
Love life.
PS See ya again soon earthlings.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

James Dean From Spirit launches

We will be updating this site as often as JD tells us too. Our new website will be up soon.