On marriage
Traditional marriage, gay marriage, group marriage and single friends living together
Marriage is a holy cross that either brings extraordinary happiness or extraordinary misery. Life on earth, being a free choice by election to come here, should be a joyful adventure. Who invented marriage? It was originally about power of uniting royal families and inheriting property or maintaining certain blood lines. In a democracy none of that seems very important as compared to having a free spirit. It’s my opinion that marriage should be dropped entirely and that something like a declaration of devotion should be substituted when a person is locked into an impossible circumstance, it may bring out the saint in them or the beast or violent spirit in them.
If you got rid of “until death do us part” you would get rid of the option to kill in order to create separation. A declaration of devotion would give you some slack in terms of the way you agree to solve problems or invest in creative endeavors, such as having children.
It would be easy for a group of five people for instance to agree on being parents for two children. You could almost afford it under those circumstances. Many children like me lose a parent or two...a devastating experience to say the least. You are sure that God has deserted you and mankind sees you, for the most part, as a potential burden of some kind. Half the world is facing one parent or no parent circumstances.
It takes five adults to run a farm. Hey there folks I hear you always talking about wanting chickens in the back yard…well now's the time to change the rules and get back to homogenizing your lifestyles instead of separating the cream from the milk. Cows are really sweet and pigs don’t really smell at all and fresh eggs really taste good.
Love is the answer!
Try it! I’m sure you’ll like it…I did.
PS: I will be talking about a way to understand and participate in family life… whether it’s all girls, all men, all mixed or all just happy come and go lucky.
Some of my friends up here will be joining you in spirit down there. If there’s one thing you learn up here it is how to be understanding. We are all in full realization up here and extend our spiritual energies far out into the universe, which of course includes our home on the earth.
Happy Landing
Here is a marriage proposal from my friend Paracelsus
Paracelsian Marriage or Partnership Vows
A Lovely Lady
Pregnant or not yet pregnant
Wife of mine of many days and nights of grand alliances and passionate pursuits-
Be it known that I am all that you could desire in your soon to become wedded life!
Never for a moment from the time I lay my head upon your breast has your fragrances, your eyes so bright, the turn of your check left my memory, nor will it, be it forever in my heart.
I wish to be a man that in every way you could live for and if necessary, a man you could die with.
For whoever really knows how long such great gifts can be enjoyed.
Therefore, I pledge that I shall father all your children and care for you and they in every way possible. And should some turn of fate, war or an unexpected onslaught of worthless men, conquer our land, I shall still father your children, even if their eyes are not mine, their color some hue I have never seen, their hair golden when mine is brown. No man shall ever outshine me in your eyes.
Devotion is my only purpose and I Shall honor our love and our dreams and intentions until I die.
If I should fail at this, I should cheat myself of all the beauty I see before me.
Love truly is the answer! I find that if you ever need an answer, to go deep down inside and look... it's always there. That's how I found you. Thanks Jimmy.
Hello Justin,
I am glad you found us in such a wonderful way. Who are you? And what do you like to do?
Do you have a special interest in Jimmy? Would you like a message from him?
Have a beautiful day,
Hi Carole,
I have a connection to Jimmy. I am an up and coming actor and have been told that he is my guardian angel. There is a connection. I'd love to have you channel him for me if possible. Thanks Justin
P.S Tell him I got his message ... "Keep your eye on the prize." I'd specifically like more information on a sign that he has been trying to give me about putting my hand in his (i guess somewhere his hand has been or something??) I'm confused about that one! Thanks Carole.
Dear Justin,
Hello from me Jimmy, Carole and Ammi.
Guardian angels are few and far between in this world where everyone needs one, however I am defiantly interested in your well-being. Remember I am not angelic all the time. I was a tricky guy in Hollywood when I was up against the big guys there. You don’t have to worry about them anymore. Newer young producers are learning how to bring out the best in actors instead of the worst.
Take my hand in your imagination and don’t jump at your first offer. Thank the person who wants you to participate in filming a dumb movie about my life. Know that a better opportunity is coming.
My best regards, James Byron Dean Esq. and Guardian Angel.
(and Carole and Ammi)
Hey thanks guys! I am very appreciative about this. I'll keep in touch and I'll keep checking this blog often for updates! Lots of Love, Justin
hi Carole and Ammi... its justin again. I am currently living in Hollywood, aspiring to make it in the biz. Was wondering if you can channel a new message from Jimmy to me? Also... tell him Thank You (he'll know what for.)
Thank you so much!
Dear Justin
Hey there Justin,
This is your guardian angel James Dean. You can call me Jimmy because we are going to be good friends. Don’t you worry about “the biz.” You have plenty of talent.
Happy Landing.
Hey Jimmy and Carole,
Love is my devoted partner, in my life 'Perhaps in this Life'.
I Appreciate Jimmy's Thought and opinated Thoughts on love..
And feelings on Ones Connection on relationships..
Thanks For your words Jimmy,
Hello... Justin again... I was wondering if you could channel Jimmy and find out if he liked the "Torn Sweater" tribute photos I did. Also anything else he may want to say...
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