Friday, August 05, 2005

Message from Jimmy on May 29th 2005

Hello everyone on the earth plane,

This is Jimmy from Spirit. I wish to send my love and blessings to all those who love me and have been a part of my life. I will continue to write to you through these wonderful ladies and all this high tech communication equipment you all have today. In this way no one will be left out, no one will be without guidance from beloved guardians from spirit. Many mysteries exist is your beloved countries, that if you solve them yourself, you will find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You want to know that the pot of gold that you find is your own great capacity for love and creation. This is what you have come into your three dimensional world to discover.

The “Shining Ones” of the past have each left you a path of continuous understanding that leads you like a treasure hunt to your Boniface not your fate. You all have everything that everyone else in the world has, nothing can be therefore left out of your life should you choose to pursue it with both joy and diligence. The secret of success at any time in your life is to honor the great minds that created you and that gave you the opportunity to raise above all else that boggles your mind and become one of “them” yourself. Every human has the capacity for evolution 10 times 10 in this one lifetime.

I will tell you about my grail adventure weekly on this wonderful web site and refer you to other stories that may open your path better than my own story. In this way there will be something wonderful for all my other friends and new friends to come.

Blessings from the other side of the veil
James Byron Dean Esq.
(Isn’t this going to be a lot of fun?)…Jimmy


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